Vixen BT81S-A & Pentax 100 SDUF side-by-side
As usual, we have a regular meeting today.
But today, we decided to have something different, no tech discussion, but to have some fun.
Craig brought his Pentax 100 SDUF, BinoViewer, Gitzo 5530S tripod, Gimbo head and amazing eyepiece collection to my place to have some tests.
We had tested both scopes with Pentax eyepieces, Meade HD-60 eyepieces, Explore Scientific eyepieces, Edmund Optics eyepieces, Vixen LV eyepieces and two Plossl eyepieces of unknown brand. All of them performs very well for both scopes, especially those of low powers.
There is detectable color abberation when in high power (>30X) on BT81S-A, but it is still acceptable.
For lower power views, it is enjoyable and comfortable viewing experience.
今天早上借用克雷格的 "目鏡群" (真的是一群! 多到嚇死人!!) 和他的 Pentax 100 SDUF 10cm 折射鏡 + BinoView 來個 PK.
Pentax 100 SDUF + BinoViewer + Meade HD-60 18mm eyepieces
on Gitzo 5530s tripod
Vixent BT81S-A + 25mm Plossl eyepieces
on Manfrotto 055 tripod
老實說老眼無法分得出軒輊, 只能說都很讚!