
Got a day off because of typhoon SAOLA. There's strong wind and crazy rain outside.
Good for me to have a day of nothing to be busy with.
So, what to do for today?

Ok, I do have something unfinished for more than two weeks. This is a good chance to have more investigation about why it failed last time.
It's my small project, which I call "BlueLink".

BlueLink is a small box for my old Meade LX200-8 classic telescope. I've been dreaming of having this little box for a while. Now it's time to finish it.

蘇拉颱風來襲, 放假在家, 樂得輕鬆
查了又查, 找了又找, 終於確定哪裡弄錯了.
先貼個照片, 明天再做個紀錄吧!

The BlueLink
Ok, ok, it is black.
But I call it blue with some reason.
Stay tuned!
I'll talk about it in the next post.

    創作者 Galileo 的頭像

    Galileo's Sky

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