Some (or all) of the Treo680 owners may experience the problem of being unable to charge the battery level to 100%. I've been a user of Tre680 for more than eight months and have the same annoying problem too. For my situation, I can charge the two batteries I have to 86% only.
I've searched the Internet for the solution but just in vain.
But, finally, I found a way to solve or improve this situation, well, just by coincidence.
Treo680 的使用者可能都遇過一個相同的問題 --- 電池永遠充不飽.
用旅充充電時, 明明已經告訴你已經充好電了(手機亮綠燈了), 但是只要將充電器拔掉,
手機上的電池電量顯示馬上就掉到剩下 86% ! 履試不爽, 每一次試都很不爽!!
也上網找過別人分享的解法, 都沒用.
上星期, 手機放在車上放到沒電, 無法開機, 拿去充滿電後,拔掉充電器, 突然奇蹟出現,
電量顯示有 96%!! 而且每次重新充電都可充到 96%.
昨天將另一顆電池也拿來做相同的處理, 將電池用到沒電, 無法開機, 然後開始充電,
果然, 這顆電池本來也是只能充到 86%, 現在可以充到 99%了!
很奇怪的解法?猜想是 PalmOS 的 battery gauging 做的有些問題.
So here are the steps to fix (or improve) the problem of being unable to charge the battery to 100% issue:
1. Discharge your battery in Treo680 until it is exhausted.
2. Try to turn on the phone, it should not be able to be turned on.
2. Connect the charger and start to charge as usual.
3. Disconnect the charger when Treo680 says the battery is fully charged.
充滿電後, 拔掉充電器,
4. Check the battery level.
Hope this helps.
Charge to 100%, but the charger is still connected.
充到飽, 但是充電器還接著
Check the battery level while the charger is still connected. The battery level is 100%
充飽後,充電器還接著, 檢視電池電量, 100%
Disconnect the charger, the battery level doesn't change (or just a little bit).
拔掉充電器, 電池電量沒有明顯改變
Check the battery level again, 99%.
再檢視電池電量, 99%
- Mar 07 Sun 2010 19:53
Fixing the Treo680 full charging level issue (解決Treo680 電池充不飽的問體)