
Arduino v.s. Arduino32

Arduino32 is actually an Atmega32 board with Arduino style connectors.

The purpose of this board is to re-use the shields designed for arduino and with larger memory.
32KB of flash memory and 2KB of RAM extends the possbility of application and imaginations.
Why not Atmega328? Well, Atmega328 is good, but I have no source of this chip with lower cost. Another reason is that it doesn't have JTAG which I prefer to debug with.

Besides the compatibility with arduino, there is a JTAG interface which helps debugging.
Along with the 5V power source, there is 3.3V power regulator onboard which is also very convenient for some experiments which need to work at low voltage.
Instead of using transistors for RS232 level converting (which is used in the arduino board), I use MAX232 this time. No special reason for this, just want to see whether this will save board space and components or not.  Also, this makes the PCB easier.

花了一些時間, 終於把之前洗好的 Arduino32 板子給焊好.
經過了一些簡單的測試, 確定所有的電路都如預期正常工作,
越來越佩服自己了 (好吧! 我承認這個板子的電路真的還蠻簡單的啦!)

最近的工作就是讓 Ethernet 子板上 Arduino32, 這是我設計這片板子的最重要目的之一,
另一個原因則是有 JTAG, 可以用來 debug, 這可是很重要的啦!

The Arduino32 board.
The main chip is Atmega32.

Atmega32 onboard.

The dimension of Arduino32 board is the largest size I can do with Eagle.

Debug with AVR Dragon.

Here comes the Ethernet shield. Again!
This is one of the main reason I design Arduino32. With more memory, I can put more internet features on board.

A closer look at the Ethernet shield. Since it was originally design for my Arduino, it has its own 3.3V regulator onboard.

Some of the components are under the MCU.

AVR web server up and runnig!

Besides the Ethernet connection, there is serial port for console commands.

The web server stacking up!

AVR web server "" 好了!

First cut work!
Now I'm thinking about 64KB and 128KB AVRs!

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